6.1.0 Administrative Policies Page
https://simpson.edu/internal/faculty-resources-home-page/governance/policies (link added 02/22/2012)
6.2.0 Simpson College Policy on the Awarding of Honorary Degrees:
(added 05/16/2014 board meeting)
It is the policy of Simpson College to award honorary degrees (B.A., M.A., and Ph.D.) to individuals of significant merit, achievement, and association with the College. Only the Board of Trustees of the College is authorized to award honorary degrees. They do so under the power outlined in Article I, Section 4 of the Simpson College Bylaws.
6.2.1 Criteria
- An honorary degree may be awarded to a person who satisfies the following criteria:
- Eminence, in the course of a career, in some field of scholarship, in public service, or in an artistic, literary, governmental, religious, financial endeavor; and
- An appropriate and significant relationship with the College and/or the mission of the college.
6.2.2 Procedures
- Nominations for honorary degree may be made by faculty, the administration, or the students of the College.
- Nominations and rationale describing how the person meets the criteria for honorary degree and the type of degree (B.A., M.A., Ph.D.) to be awarded will normally be sent to the president of the College.
- If the president agrees that the degree should be awarded, she or he will send the nomination to the Faculty Personnel Committee (or other committee as designated by the faculty) with a letter of support and rationale.
- The Faculty Personnel Committee will review the president’s request and forward it on to the full faculty with the committee’s recommendation. The recommendation shall be positive or negative.
- The faculty will vote at its next regularly scheduled meeting, at a meeting specially called for the purpose of voting on the recommendation, or in some other manner to be determined by the Faculty Personnel Committee.
- The president will convey the vote of the faculty to the Board of Trustees of the College.
- The Board of Trustees will make the final decision at a regularly scheduled meeting, at a meeting specially called for the purpose of voting on the recommendation, or in some other manner to be determined by the Board of Trustees.
6.2.3 Expiration of the Board’s Approval
Once approved by the Board of Trustees, the honorary degree must be awarded to the recipient within two years of its original approval. Should this time lapse, the Board of Trustees must reapprove awarding the degree.
6.2.4 Prohibition on Fees and Honoraria
Except under unusual circumstances determined by the Board of Trustees, an honorary degree recipient will not receive a fee or honorarium associated with receiving a degree. An honorary degree recipient may receive an honorarium or speaking fee for a speech or presentation at the event when the honorary degree is awarded.
6.2.5 Presentation of Honorary Degrees
Except in unusual circumstances determined by the Board of Trustees, recipients of honorary degrees must be present on one of the College’s campuses to receive a degree.
*Parts of this document have been adapted from the policy of Georgetown University. See: https://governance.georgetown.edu/honorary-degrees
6.2.6 Potential Honorary Degrees
(not inclusive) - Academic Dean (added 09/18/2015)
D.F.A. Doctor of Fine Arts (also A.F.D.)
Arts.D. Doctor of Arts
D.C.L. Doctor of Civil Law
D.D. Doctor of Divinity
D.Lit. Doctor of Literature (also L.H.D.)
D.Sc. Doctor of Science (also Sc.D.)
J.S.D. Doctor of Juristic Science
J.U.D. Doctor of Canon and Civil Laws
L.H.D. Doctor of Humanities
H.H.D. Doctor of Humane Letters (also L.H.D.)
Litt.D. Doctor of Letters
LL.D. Doctor of Laws
Mus.D. Doctor of Music
Ph.D. Doctor of Pedagogy
D.C.S. Doctor of Commercial Science
Ed.D. Doctor of Education
6.3.0 Policies for External Grants
(added 03/08/2016)
6.3.1 Before You Apply for a Grant
- Contact the college’s director of foundation and government support (DFGS) in the office of college advancement to request assistance and/or to notify the DFGS of your interest in applying for a grant.
- Schedule a face-to-face meeting with the DFGS within one week to:
- complete the proposal prior to the deadline
- Complete a grant agreement form and work with the DFGS to obtain approval to move forward.
- The advancement office AND Senior VP & Academic Dean/President must approve the grant project prior to submission.
6.3.2 While You are Composing a Grant
- Collaborate and stay in regular contact with the DFGS to complete all components of the grant.
- Work with the DFGS to keep key Simpson stakeholders informed of plans, gather input on the narrative, and obtain approval on the project and proposed budget.
- The target for all grant proposals is to submit them three days prior to the due date, preventing last-minute or unexpected challenges or technical difficulties.
6.3.3 After You Receive Notification of a Successful Grant Award
- Inform the DFGS, academic division head, and college controller immediately when notified about a successful grant award.
- Schedule a meeting with the DFGS, academic division head, and college controller within one week of award notification to:
- Discuss the official grant agreement/grant contract
- Set up accounts for the fund
- Review the schedule for all required reporting (progress reports, financial reports, etc.) and determine who will be responsible for collecting information and completing the reports
- Determine action steps to adhere to grant guidelines and expectations
- Establish the process to have grant-related expenses approved by the academic division head
6.3.4 If You are Denied a Grant
- Inform the DFGS immediately once notified about the denial of a grant.
- The DFGS will send a letter to the grantor and request more information about the denial.
- Work with the DFGS to notify campus administrators, stake holders and partners.
- Restructure and resubmit proposal if allowed and seek other potential funding sources for the proposed project.