(revised 05/11/2012 board meeting)
6.1.0 Non-Reappointment of Tenure-track and Tenured Faculty
In the absence of a letter of resignation, a faculty member holding a tenure-track position or a position with continuous tenure shall be notified in writing of non-reappointment not later than March 1 of the first academic year of service if the appointment expires at the end of that year. If it does not expire at the end of that academic year, then a notice of non-reappointment shall be given in writing at least three months in advance of the termination of the appointment.
In the absence of a letter of resignation, a faculty member shall be notified in writing of non-reappointment not later than December 15 of the second year of academic service, if the appointment expires at the end of the academic year. If it does not expire at the end of the academic year, then a notice of non-reappointment shall be given in writing at least six months before the termination of the appointment.
In the absence of a letter of resignation, a faculty member, after two or more years of full-time service to the college, will be notified in writing of non-reappointment not later than May 31 of the year prior to termination of the contract.
6.2.0 Non-Reappointment of Full-Time Term and Teaching Specialist Faculty
(revised 02/07/2020 board meeting)
In the absence of a letter of resignation, a faculty member holding a full-time term contract or a full-time teaching specialist contract will be provided notice of contract termination and/or non-reappointment according to the procedures outlined in Part III: Personnel Procedures of the Simpson College Faculty Handbook.