Sep 19, 2024  
2023-2024 Faculty Handbook 
2023-2024 Faculty Handbook


An individual faculty member, group of faculty members, the president of the college, or the board of trustees may propose an amendment to the faculty personnel policies. An amendment must be distributed to the faculty in writing, be presented to the faculty at the first regular faculty meeting following its distribution and voted on at the next regularly scheduled faculty meetings. During the twenty-eight-day wait, the Faculty Personnel Committee (FPC) will hold an open forum to receive faculty input on the proposed amendment. The chair of FPC will report on the findings of this forum prior to the faculty voting on the proposed amendment. Approval of the proposed amendment requires an affirmative vote by two-thirds of the faculty. Normally such an amendment shall carry the approval of the faculty, the administration, and the board of trustees. When agreement cannot be reached among these three groups, the responsibility of the president of the college to make an independent recommendation to the board of trustees and the prior and final authority of the board in all matters pertaining to the life of the college under the articles of re-incorporation are recognized. However, no changes to the policies will be enacted without faculty consultation and consideration of their recommendations.