The information contained in this section describes the procedures approved by the faculty, board of trustees and administration for the purpose of appointment, evaluation, tenure, promotion and other personnel-related issues for faculty at Simpson College. They have been designed to ensure academic due process. The procedures outlined herein work in tandem with the policies outlined in Simpson College Faculty Handbook Part II: Personnel Policies. Other important policies that apply to all employees of the college, including the college’s nondiscriminiation and harassment policies, may be found on the college’s website:
1.1.0 Criteria for Initial Full-Time Appointments
(revised 02/07/2020 board meeting)
Normally, full-time appointment to the faculty is made by the academic dean in consultation with the department. The criteria for initial full-time appointment are listed in Simpson College Faculty Handbook Part II: Personnel Polices , Section 3.
1.2.0 Teaching Specialist Contracts
(added 02/07/2020 board meeting)
Normally, initial teaching specialist appointment to the faculty is made by the academic dean in consultation with the department. The criteria for initial appointment are listed in Simpson College Faculty Handbook Part II: Personnel Polices , Section 3.
Persons holding teaching specialist contracts are not eligible for tenure. In general, holders of such contracts perform specific types of teaching duties not necessarily associated with traditional classroom teaching. Teaching specialist contracts may include but are not limited to librarians, lab instructors, clinical faculty, departmental internship coordinators, media specialists and vocal and instrumental music specialists.
Incumbents of all such positions hold full faculty status pertaining to voting privileges and serve on committees for which they are eligible. Holders of such positions are expected to hold normal minimal professional credentials as defined by the academic dean in consultation with the department.
The incumbent of such a position will normally be hired initially on a series of one-year contracts for the first three years under the conditions of evaluation and notification of contract continuance or termination designed for all faculty. Following this three-year period, an incumbent of this position may be offered an extended three-year contract (generally renewable, as a three-year contract). When determined to be appropriate by the academic dean and department chair, a three-year contract may be offered as an initial appointment. Appropriate evaluation procedures continue during the extended contract period, and the incumbent will be subject to normal expectations of the maintenance of professional skills and performance of responsibilities as described in the criteria developed for the position and included in the individual’s personnel file in the dean’s office.
Holders of teaching specialist contracts are not eligible for appointment or promotion to the ranks of associate or professor. Teaching specialist faculty hired in the rank of instructor may receive promotion to assistant professor upon the completion of a terminal degree or upon the completion of five years of continuous service by action of FPC.
If the college determines a position filled with a specialist teaching contract should be filled with regular faculty contract, the holder of the contract may or may not be considered for the tenure track appointment. Should such an appointment be made, the first full-time regular faculty contract will specify the number of years of additional full-time service the person must have before they are eligible to receive tenure.
1.3.0 Research Fellow
(added 05/13/2016 board meeting)
Normally, research fellows will be appointed at the request of an academic department. The academic department chair will present the request to the academic dean and provide a description of the proposed work of the research fellow, a description of the potential benefits to the college, and the proposed compensation if any. The department will also provide the vitae of the person nominated and any other materials which might be helpful to the academic dean in making her or his decision.
All research fellow appointments will be communicated in writing, have a defined length of term, include if appropriate academic rank, and provisions and conditions for renewal and termination. The research fellow will submit an annual report of activities to the department chair and academic dean. The report should also include a formal request for reappointment, if appropriate.
In addition to privileges outlined in the contract of hire or letter of agreement, and those listed in Part III: Personnel Procedures Section 1.4.0 (Professors Emeriti) of the Faculty Handbook, other areas of agreement for research fellow include the following:
- Listing by name and title in the college catalog.
- The Senior VP & Academic Dean will provide, as appropriate, letters of introduction or affirmation of status at the institution for the purposes of access to libraries, archives, or other resources need for research.
- Travel support as negotiated.
- Access to the services of the office of foundation and governmental support for the purpose of obtaining ongoing grant support.
1.4.0 Professors Emeriti
(revised 10/14/2016 board meeting)
At the end of the academic year in which a faculty member who is at least 55 years of age and has held a full-time appointment at the college for at least ten of the preceding thirteen years retires from teaching, they will be eligible and automatically nominated for emeritus status. The appointment is made by the president of the college upon the recommendation of the academic dean and FPC. If the recommendation of the dean or the decision of the president is negative, the faculty member may appeal the decision to FPC. Notification of appointment to emeritus status shall be sent to the retiring faculty member no later than the end of May during the final year of employment.
Professor emeriti are accorded the following privileges:
- Free admission to campus events to which regular faculty members are admitted free of charge;
- Use of college stationary and limited secretarial service as available;
- Office space when available;
- Use of athletic facilities in accordance with arrangements made for regular faculty members;
- Being kept on college email and mailing lists, including those for the alumni newsletter, the president’s reports and other similar publications;
- Invitation to all-college events to which all regular faculty members are invited (for example: convocations, commencement, homecoming events, holiday and wellness events, etc.);
- Continuation of library privileges (Part V: Information , 3.1.0)