3.1.0 Performance Criteria
Each full-time term contract and teaching specialist position has its own set of performance criteria determined at the time of hire by the department chair and academic dean. These criteria are included in the contracts issued to fill these positions. They are also listed in the personnel file associated with each contract, which is held in the academic dean’s office.
3.1.1 Timing and Procedures for the review
Evaluations are conducted by the department chair and are overseen by the academic dean. These evaluations are intended to provide feedback on performance as well as making a recommendation about reappointment. The review normally takes place in the spring of each year and is based upon the contents of the file held in the academic dean’s office. The Semester Before Review
The Academic Dean shall provide the chair of FPC with a list of all candidates for this kind of review. The chair of FPC shall announce these names together with those of faculty undergoing the regular review process. In addition, the department chair shall encourage all tenured members of the department to write letters for the file.
All signed letters shall be filed in the academic dean’s office. They should address the criteria established for the position at the time of hire. The Semester of Review
Access to the personnel file is described in Part III, Section 12.1.0. At the beginning of the review process, each file shall include:
- Performance criteria
- Student evaluations
- Signed letters
- The candidate’s current vita
- A written self-evaluation from the candidate that addresses performance criteria
- Current syllabi (if the criteria include teaching courses)
In the first-year formative review, self-evaluations need not address advising or service criteria.
The letter from the department chair shall summarize the file and the work of the candidate. In preparation for writing this letter, the chair shall review all of the information in the file and, for positions with teaching responsibilities, visit at least one class. The letter shall include a recommendation regarding reappointment based upon the criteria developed for the specific position. The chair shall share the letter with the candidate. Afterward, the candidate may respond to the chair. Subsequently, the chair may opt to revise the letter. The final draft of the chair’s letter is placed in the file in the academic dean’s office.
After reviewing all these materials, the academic dean makes a recommendation regarding reappointment to the president of the college, who makes the final decision. After this decision is made, the academic dean meets with the candidate to share the final decision regarding reappointment. Afterwards, the academic dean writes a concluding statement for the file.
3.1.2 Appeals to Faculty Grievance Committee
If a decision is made against reappointment, the candidate may request a hearing by the Faculty Grievance Committee. The candidate must submit such a request to the chair of the Faculty Grievance Committee within 30 days of the meeting with the acdemic dean described above. The Faculty Grievance Committee’s recommendation regarding this appeal goes to the candidate, department chair, academic dean, and president.
3.1.3 Reviews of Teaching Specialist Faculty
- After a three-year annual review probationary period (as per Part III: Personnel Procedures Section 3.1.0), department chairs may ask the Faculty Personnel Committee to move teaching specialist instructors in their departments to a three-year rotating review schedule. The Academic Dean and President must approve this transition.
- Years 1 and 2: The teaching specialist faculty member shall meet with the department chair to discuss their performance as measured by the criteria established for their position. The department chair shall write a brief summary of the meeting for the instructor’s personnel file, which is held in the office of the Academic Dean.
- Year 3: A comprehensive review shall be conducted as outlined in Part III: Personnel Procedures : Section, 3.1.2.
3.2.0 Contract Termination
Full-time term contracts and teaching specialist faculty hold term contracts. The conditions of employment, including the length of the term of employment are specified in writing at the time of appointment. There is no representation by the college of continuing employment past the date specified in the contract.
- Individuals holding these contracts will normally be given notice of their reappointment in writing not later than March 1 of the contract year. If notice is not given by that date, the contract will expire without notice at the date stipulated in the contract.
- In the case of gross misconduct or miscarriage of professional responsibility, an incumbent may be terminated at any time during the contract period on thirty days’ written notice, or thirty days’ pay in lieu of such written notice.