Sep 19, 2024  
2023-2024 Faculty Handbook 
2023-2024 Faculty Handbook


6.1.0 Eligibility for Promotion

is Determined by the Policies Outlined in Simpson College Faculty Handbook Part II: Personnel Policies, Section 7 .

The file created for promotion described in this section is open to the candidate, the members of the FPC, the chair of the department, the division head, the academic dean, the president of the college, and the board of trustees. The documents submitted for the files are the property of the college.

6.1.1 Timing and Procedures The Semester of the Review

(revised 05/15/2020 board meeting)

  1. A file is created in the academic dean’s office. As part of all regular reviews, the chair of FPC will announce the review. Signed letters will be accepted for the candidates file in the academic dean’s office. The letters should address the criteria for reappointment, promotion and tenure as stated in Simpson College Faculty Handbook Part II: Personnel Policies, Section 7 . (See Simpson College Faculty Handbook Part VII: Appendix B  for details regarding the guidelines.) The FPC chair also announces the deadline for the closing of the file.
  2. The file will contain all materials related to the process, including,
    • the candidate’s current vita,
    • the candidate’s current syllabi,
    • a self-evaluation,
    • two letters requested from faculty colleagues in regular appointments on campus,
    • student evaluations,
    • the candidate has the option to include two letters requested from off- campus colleagues within the discipline, and other letters submitted. (See Simpson College Faculty Handbook Part VII: Appendix B  for guidelines.)
  3. The department chair, the division head and each tenured faculty member in the department is expected to write a letter for the file. Letters should speak to the criteria for promotion listed in Simpson College Faculty Handbook Part II: Personnel Policies, Section 7.
  4. Two members of the FPC visit the candidate’s classes, meet with the department full-time faculty non-letter writers, and interview the candidate.
  5. Upon the closing of the file, the FPC meets with the candidate.
  6. The FPC bases its decision on the information collected for the review and the materials contained in the file. FPC may request additional information from the candidate.
  7. The FPC makes a recommendation to the academic dean. The academic dean makes a recommendation to the president of the college, who makes the decision.
  8. The academic dean shares with the faculty member the decisions of the FPC, the dean, and the president in a personal meeting and writes a concluding statement for the candidate’s personnel file. The concluding statement will be shared with the candidate and with the FPC.
  9. A negative decision may be reviewed by the Faculty Personnel Committee upon the written request of the faculty member. The request must be sent to the chair of the FPC within 30 days of the faculty member receiving the negative reappointment decision.

6.2.0 Procedures for Promotion to Associate Professor at the Time of Tenure

  1. Faculty members nominated for tenure while at the rank of assistant professor are automatically nominated for promotion to associate professor.
  2. The procedures for tenure outlined in Simpson College Handbook Part III: Personnel Procedures, Section 5 will be used for determining the promotion to associate professor.
  3. The decision to recommend promotion to associate professor is separate from and is contingent upon the granting of tenure.
  4. Normally, the FPC bases its decision to recommend promotion to associate professor solely on the information collected for the tenure review. When it deems it appropriate, the FPC may seek additional information to augment that collected for the tenure review.