8.1.0 Sabbatical Leave
(revised 02/04/2011 board meeting)
As time and resources allow, all tenured faculty with at least six years of service at Simpson College, regardless of rank and including the president of the college and the deans of the college, who have not recently had extensive leave on any basis, may apply for sabbatical leave during the following academic year, subject to the following conditions:
- Application has been made by the third Friday in September prior to the intended sabbatical year.
- The applicant will have completed six years of full-time service on the Simpson faculty by the date of the sabbatical.
- The sabbatical proposal has been determined to meet adequate standards consistent with responsibilities of the application and the needs of the college, and has been approved by the president and the board of trustees after consultation with the faculty member, head of the department, dean for academic affairs, and the faculty personnel committee.
All such leaves shall be subject to the following options and conditions:
- The faculty member is expected to file a written report of the sabbatical accomplishements and activities with the dean’s office and the faculty personnel committee within sixty days of the terminal date of the leave.
- The faculty member is expected to return to teaching duties at Simpson for at least one year following the sabbatical, unless the faculty member and the college have mutually agreed to an understanding contrary to this expectation.
- A sabbatical leave may be granted for either a fall or spring semester with full salary, or for a full year at one-half salary.
- Semester sabbatical leaves may include the May term upon application, provided such a leave does not involve release from more than one-half of the normal twenty-four semester hour yearly teaching load requirement.
- Sabbatical leave periods count toward the requirements for promotion to the next academic rank.
- Staff health and life insurance benefits continue. Retirement benefits are based upon actual compensation during the sabbatical period.
After a sabbatical leave, a faculty member or administrator (as defined above) may, after six years of full-time service at Simpson, become eligible again for a sabbatical leave. A leave of absence (see below) does not count toward eligibility for a sabbatical leave. Once one is eligible for a sabbatical leave, the eligibility is sustained annually until one undertakes the sabbatical leave.
8.2.0 Leaves of Absence
The college administration and trustees endeavor, whenever possible, to grant leave of absence without pay upon request, but the time spent on the leave usually shall not count toward the time necessary for earning tenure and/or promotion. Staff benefits usually do not continue during a leave of absence. Medical insurance coverage, however, may be negotiated with the college administration.
Leaves of absence with partial pay may be granted if the circumstances warrant this action, but the time spent in this status usually shall not count toward the time required for tenure and/or promotion.