Oct 10, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog



8.1.1 Registration:

(revised 05/23/2011 faculty meeting)

No credit is allowed for a course unless the student is officially registered for the course.  To be considered fulltime, a student must enroll in a minimum of 12 credits.  Terms 1 and 2 count toward full time fall enrollment, Terms 3 and 4 and May Term count toward full time spring enrollment. 

8.1.2 Change of Registration:

(revised 05/23/2011 faculty meeting)

Once a student has registered in a course, he/she is considered a member of that class unless he/she drops or withdraws from it as described below.  Before the first day of class, students can change their registration using the online registration system.  It is recommended that students consult with their advisor before making any change in registration. 

8.1.3 Course Drop Policy:

(revised 08/26/2011 faculty meeting)

Within the first five (5) school days of the fall or spring semester, the first 2 (two) days of May Term or comparable period for other terms, courses may be dropeed using the online system and without any record on the transcript.  The days a student may drop a course is called the “drop period.”  It is recommended that the student consult the academic advisor and the instructor of the course to be dropped. 

8.1.4 Course Add Policy:

(revised 08/26/2011 faculty meeting)

Within the first five (5) school days of the fall or spring semester, the first two (2) days of May Term or comparable period for other terms, students may add open courses using the online registration system.  During this “add period,” students may add a closed course only by obtaining the instructor’s signature on an Add Course form and submitting that form in person to the registrar’s office. 

Independent study applications (180, 280, 380) and course by arrangement forms must be received by the registrar’s office before the end of the add period. 

Courses that require auditions, such as theatre and music production courses, may be added after the ad period with the instructor’s permission. 

Applications for 319 internships may be submitted after the add period, but must be processed before the work for the internship begins. 

In all other cases, if circumstances require a student to add a course after the add period, the student must submit an academic petition, available online, with a rationale and signature of the instructor. 

It is recommended that the student consult the academic advisor and instructor of the course before adding any course. 


8.2.1 Withdrawal from Courses:

(revised 05/23/2011 faculty meeting)

After the “drop period”, a student may elect to withdraw from a course but not later than the 14th school day following midterm, at which time the designation of “W” (withdrawn) is placed on the transcript.  The “W” has no effect on the student’s grade point average. 

A full-time student who withdraws from courses to complete fewer than 12 credits for two consecutive semesters will be enrolled as a part-time student the third consecutive semester.  Students who withdraw from the college or interrupt their registration for any reasons, and who wish to return to the college, must apply for readmission to the college through the dean for academic affairs. 

8.2.2 Late Withdrawal:

(revised 05/23/2011 faculty meeting)

Students who wish to withdraw from a course after the official withdrawal deadline described above must submit an academic petition with rationale and signatures of instructor and academic advisor.  Normally, only reasons beyond the control of the student; e.g.: medical, personal, family, military, etc. will be approved.

8.2.3 Withdrawal from a Course in Cases of Academic Dishonesty:

(revised 12/02/08)

If the instructor determines that an act of plagiarizing or cheating is such that the student will fail the course, the student will NOT be allowed to withdraw even if the date of such determination is still within the withdrawal period.  A grade of “F” will be entered immediatly for that student.  In all cases of intentional academic dishonesty the instructor will report it to the acdemic dean and the student’s advisor and a record will be entered into the student’s file. 

If the instructor determines that the academic dishonesty is such that just the assignment or test will be failed, but not the whole course, then the student will be allowed to withdraw from the class if the withdrawal is processed within the withdrawal period.  In all cases of intentional academic dishonesty the instructor will report it to the academic dean and the student’s advsior and a record will be entered into the student’s file. 

A student may appeal the outcome of this policy by filing an appropriate and timely appeal with the academic appeals committee, as set forth in these academic policies. 


(revised 05/23/2011 faculty meeting)

Examinations and quizzes are administered during the semester at the discretion of the instructor except that no academic requirements, such as examinations, assignments or performances, may be given or due between the last day of classes and the first day of finals (i.e., no academic requirements are to be given during the “reading period.”)

The registrar schedules final examination week.  There are to be no changes during final examination week except those approved by the office of the registrar.  Each faculty member is free to choose whether he/she uses the time for a final examination or for a paper or project that substitutes for a final exam, but the time designated for the final must be the due date for the final requirement. 

If a student has more than two final exams during one days, he/she may request of the professor that a third and/or fourth exam be changed to another day suitable to the instructor(s) except that the exam cannot be given between the last day of classes and the first day of finals. 

The instructor is free to give or not to give make-up examinations.  There is no fee for such an examination.