Oct 10, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog



The instructor for his/her students must submit grades to the registrar’s office at the end of each semester. 

9.1.1 Final Grades:

(revised 12/02/2008)

Except as noted below, final grades may not be entered prior to the end of the term in which the course was taken.  Final grades must be entered by the deadline for grades which is determined to be two business days after the final exam day.  Final grades may be entered late with specific permission from the college registrar.  (The end of the term is determined by the last day the class being graded meets.)

Exception: In the case in which the student has intentionally committed academic dishonesty and the instructor has determined that the student will fail the course, the instructor will immediately enter a grade of “F” as the final grade.  See Section 8.2.3.

9.1.2 Grade Definitions:

Grades are recorded in the registrar’s office in accordance with the following definitions: A, outstanding; B, very good; C, average; D, poor; F, failure.  Letter symbols used for other purposes on grade reports are I, incomplete; W, withdrawn; H, honors; P, passing; NP, not passing; and CR, credit. 

9.1.3 Computer Grade Point Average (GPA):

(revised 05/23/2011 faculty meeting)

In computing the cumulative grade point average, grades are assigned to the following quality points: A, 4.0; A-, 3.7; B+, 3.3; B, 3.0; B-, 2.7; C+, 2.3; C, 2.0; C_, 1.7; D+, 1.3; D, 1.0; D-, .7; F, 0. H/P/NP grades are not counted in the student’s grade point average.  Incompletes are assigned zero (0) quality points. 

9.1.4 Mid-Term Grades:

(revised 05/27/2014 faculty meeting)

All faculty are to submit mid-term grades for all students registered for transcripted full semester course work or experiences (e.g. internships, 0-credit experiences, etc.).  Mid-term grades are to be posted within three class days of the 34th day of the semester.  If this falls within a break of any kind, mid-term grades must be posted prior to the break.  Mid-term grades are to be posted as pass (P), no pass (NP), registered (RG), or a letter grade. 

9.1.5 Honor/Pass/No Pass (H/P/NP):

(revised 05/23/2011 faculty meeting) DESIGNATING: The choice for grading a course as H/P/NP lies with the department. Credits and GPA: Courses graded H/P/NP will count toward credits completed at Simpson, but will not be calculated in the GPA. 

9.1.6 Changing Grades:

(revised 05/23/2011 faculty meeting)

Once the grades have been delivered to the registrar’s office, they are considered final.  The only basis for changing a grade is the demonstration of a clerical error on the part of the instructor in determining the grade.  Any request for grade change from an instructor must be made in writing (possibly electronically) to the registrar’s office. 

9.1.7 Other Grades Used in Computing GPA:

(revised 05/23/2011 faculty meeting)

Only Simpson grades count in computing a student’s cumulative grade point average. 


(revised 12/02/2008)

Courses taken at Simpson College and graded D- or better must be repeated at Simpson College if students wish to improve their GPA at Simpson College.  Each time the course is retaken, it must be on a letter-graded basis.  Grades for each time a course is taken remain on the permanent academic record; however, credit will be given only once and only the last grade (for Simpson College coursework) will be computed into the grade point average. 

Courses taken at Simpson College which have been failed may be repeated at Simpson College or at another institution.  If they are repeated at Simpson College, the original grade will stay on the transcript but only the last grade will be calculated into the Simpson College grade point average.  If failed courses are repeated elswhere, the original grade will stay in the Simpson College GPA and the new grade will not be calculated into it, but the student will receive the credit for the repeated course that is transferred in. 

If a student who has received a D- or better in a course at Simpson College wishes to retake the course elsewhere and transfer it in, the student’s Simpson College GPA will not be affected, because the grade of the course transferred in will not replace the grade of the course taken at Simpson College.  The repeated course transferred in is not added to the Simpson College record, but it is noted in the student’s degree audit that the “spirit of the requirement” has been fulfilled by the transferred in course.  The outside transcript is a part of the student’s file, but the course is not added to the record since the student has already passed the course at Simpson College and cannot get credit for the same coure twice.  

All courses to be transferred in from another institution must have at least a C-. 


9.3.1 Incompletes Requested by Students:

(revised 10/18/2011 faculty meeting)

When unable to complete required assignments in an individual course due to circumstances beyond their control, students may apply for the interim grade of “incomplete.”  Students must submit completed applications to the office of the registrar on or before the day final grades are due for the course in question. 

Each application must include: 

a. A description of work to be completed

b. The dealine for the completion of the work

c. The student’s final grade if no additional work is completed

d. The approval by the instructor of the course

e. The approval by the student 

If the work is not completed by the deadline listed on the application, the office of the registrar shall replace the grade of incomplete with the grade listed on the application.  (Students are allowed a maximum of 60 days after the beginning of the next regular semester to complete their work.)  Students may request an extension (of up to 60 additional days) by submitting a second completed application to the office of the registrar before the first deadline expires. 

In special circumstances (e.g. sever illness) the instructor of the course may file an application with the office of the registrar without the student’s signature.  The office of the registrar shall inform students if incompletes have been entered on their behalf. 

9.3.2 Incompletes Left by Faculty Who Leave the College:

(revised 12/02/2008)

Faculty who leave the college need to make certain that they give the chair of their department the information regarding what student has an incomplete, and in what class, and what will be required by the student to complete the course. Department chairs need to make certain that the faculty leaving the college meets with them in an exit interview, at which time any information concerning incompletes would be shared.  In the absence of the instructor, the chair of the department shall determine whether or not the student has completed the course successfully and will enter an appropriate grade for the course.  A pass/non-pass may be given unless the course is required for such things as teacher licensure, CPA credit, or other requirements.  If the course is needed for partial completion of a major or minor, the department chair of the department sponsoring the major or minor may allow the P or H to count as partial fulfillment of the major or minor.  In the case of fulfilling a cornerstone, the cornerstone director will make that determination, and in the case of a competency, the department responsible for the competency shall make that determination.